How to stay healthy at work.

Illness is a pretty big topic at the moment. Words like pandemic are increasingly being thrown around in relation to Corona Virus or COVID-19. But that shouldn’t mean we all forget about the common cold or other illnesses that can affect us just as badly. With that in mind, these tips we found in an article by Cecilia Amador and Allwork Space.

What can you do to stay healthy?

  1. Wash your hands. A pretty obvious one to begin, use hand sanitizer - most kill up to 99% of germs, which are good odds in our book. Use water and soap or hand sanitizer whenever you use the bathroom, cough and sneeze, touch an animal or touch garbage bins. Also, the CDC in America recommends washing your hands for 20 seconds, at least.

  2. Get some fresh air. Open a window or go for a short walk (even better!). This probably won’t actually do a lot in terms of avoiding illness, but it can certainly help you feel better. No one likes stale air.

  3. Keep a no water hand sanitizer close by. So you don’t have to walk to the bathroom to disinfect your hand after shaking someones hand.

  4. Don’t touch your face. Many of us can idly touch our face - this is a great way to spread germs from your hands to your face, which features your mouth, nose, eyes (for most people) which are routes to the inside of your body.

  5. Reduce and Manage Stress. Stress can affect your immune system, moods, and a whole lot of other body functions. It’s often overlooked as something to manage - so do what relaxes you. Whatever that may be, sleeping more, talking to a friend, movies, videogames, staring at a wall. Whatever it is.

  6. Get your own required sleep. Everyone needs different amounts of sleep. You feel you need 8, whilst someone else runs fine on 7. Ensure you have the time to get the sleep you need, by going to bed earlier if need be.

  7. Wipe electronics. Keyboards and phones and other electronics pick up a lot of germs, being in contact with your hands which are in contact with everything. So with that in mind, you might want to think about wiping them down more often. And again, not touching your face or any other body part after using them.

  8. Exercise and diet. Make sure you eat the right foods, and get more than enough exercise for both the physical and mental health aspects. Eating and exercising right can make you feel good physically, raise self esteem and confidence, and also boost your immune system and bodily functions - the stuff stress can negatively affect!

  9. Get your shots. The final step is probably the most direct way to counter any of the diseases on the menu this year - get a shot to make sure your immune system can smack it down before it gets close to making you sick.

Thanks for reading the tips - we hope they were useful! As a further heads up, the dirtiest spots in the office are apparently:

  • The microwave

  • Keyboards

  • Coffee Makers

  • Refrigerator Handles

  • Toilet Seats

So, definitely wash your hands and/or clean these things after use. We think you’ve got a lot better chance at staying healthy in 2020 using these tips, and would like to let you know that StumpJump Co-Lab is a coworking space that does not give germs memberships, so we’re pretty good with the whole not making people sick thing.

Stump-Jump Co-Lab