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Trial Day & Tour?

Sure, just send us a message and organize the day you'd like to come in and try the place out.

Lock in contracts?

Only for dedicated desk memberships to keep everything tidy. Day & Casual passes are excluded.

Community events?

Of course. Keep an eye on the Events page or our Facebook & Instagram to make sure you don't miss them!

Do I have to work in a specific industry?

No. However, if you work in a creative or innovative industry, that's a bonus!

Why the name?

The 'stump-jump plough',  is one of Australia's more useful, if lesser known, inventions. Essentially, the plough would jump over tree stumps that would otherwise stop it in its tracks.

StumpJump uses it as a metaphor for solving problems. The stump is the problem, and the jump - the solution.

We believe the best way to solve these problems, is together.

Do we have a physical Stump that can be Jumped?

It's difficult to find the perfect stump, but we're looking.